Tyriq Evans

Tyriq Evans
Coming into UNC Charlotte, I had virtually no connections, and no idea how to navigate on such a large campus. The UTOP Program truly gave me the head start I needed to adjust to the academic differences that college presented. Socially, I was able to connect with other students from various backgrounds, which is important experience to have for such a diverse community. Thanks to UTOP, I have been involved in so many organizations that bettered me as a leader and an individual. I would not be as successful as I am without UTOP!
I was so grateful for all that UTOP and the Office of Multicultural Academic Services (MAS) had done for me, it only felt right to return to the program as a Mentor. The feeling to assist the future class of Forty-Niners and help prepare them to make their mark on campus is unexplainable. It’s truly a program that keeps on giving back, and only great things can be said about UTOP.