Welcome to UTOP at UNC Charlotte!
So now that you’ve been accepted to UNC Charlotte, why wait for the fall? Get a head start on your college career by participating in the University Transition Opportunities Program (UTOP)!
University Transition Opportunities Program, Powered by Bank of America is an excellent opportunity for incoming freshman students to begin their college experience early, gain seven credit hours towards their degree, start with a solid GPA foundation, get acclimated to campus early and build a support system of peers and staff across campus.
How UTOP Works
Enroll in classes for a total of 7 credit hours towards general education requirements for your degree. Get a jump-start on your major if you are coming in with all general education requirements met!
Meet 100+ other first-year students and make life-long friendships!
Build relationships with faculty and staff who will continue to support you throughout your time at UNC Charlotte!
Develop study skills and college survival tips.
Enhance your knowledge of campus by becoming familiar with and utilizing campus resources.
Have fun on weekend activities and off-campus trips!
After UTOP, receive academic advising and monitoring throughout the students’ first year and participate in extended opportunities and services throughout your entire time at UNC Charlotte!
UTOP 2025
Move in: Coming Soon!
UTOP 2025: June 28- August 8
Classes start: June 30, 2025
Application Opens: November 2024
Application Deadline: TBD
The UTOP Application is located inside your “Future49er Portal” under UTOPApplication.
For more information about UTOP, please contact the
Office of First Year Transition & Programs
at firstyear@charlotte.edu
or (704) 687-0030.